Thursday, August 25, 2011

Don't Trust A Jerk With Duck Tape

Today my mom grounded me, so i started this blog, i got a lot to say so try to keep your eyes open for new posts. Now for the real junk, today my mom told me to "Do Your Homework" and, well i did not exactly "Do Your Homework!" So that pretty much sums that up. now i gotta go to my bed at 9:00, i am in 8th Grade for crying out loud. So ya it sucks, but at least my mom let me make the post. Now lets talk school, i know what your thinking "This kid must be retarded if he thinks we wanna hear more about school" well i am not talking about that, I am talking about the idiots at my school, other wise known as "the cool kids" these guys always get on my last nerve, for instance a long time ago i made this one website, (I admit it did suck, but wait till you hear how harsh these kids are) on the site my family post a commercial about Heinz ketchup, and one day some jerk off put a bottle in front of my locker. Well ya know that's a little too far. But anyways today seemed pretty good, no kids making fun of me, but at the end of the day i found out i was wrong, today we did a lab in science, and the kids in my group used the supplies we had to duck tape my mouth. Harsh.

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