Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I'm Back

Hey, guys sorry I have not been on in a while, but i got good news. New Episode of Tiny Clues coming soon along with the new music video, Hey Soul Sister. I also have a release date for it. This Friday, 9/2. I also got some stories to tell and i question i NEED to ask. So stay tuned!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Back To School :(

Well, i am getting ready to go to bed, sadly enough tomorrow i gotta wake up early again for my second week of torture, i hope it won't be that bad. But at least i got a labor day weeked to look forward too.

Why I Deleted The Lazy Song

I deleted it cause i wanna post the rest of my covers in music video, i will re-post it with a video in about to weeks. :)

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Well The Hey, Soul Sister Video Might Be Harder to edit, than expected. I probably will post it on Friday, but dont hope for anything. I am so not ready for another week of school!

Banana Un-Split :)

My parents are back together, YAY. Plus in a few minutes i am going to starting film the HSS Music Video, i probably will post it in a few days, excited!

Banana Spilt :(

Hey guys, today i am sad, i got the news that my parents might be splitting. But they did say that it might not happen, so i will try to keep you guys up on whats going on. Anyways, today i recorded a second song, but i am not sure when i should post it. Maybe tommorow? or maybe sometime next week, that way i can do a music video, hmmm. Well if you are wondering what song i did, this time i am just coming out and saying it. Hey, Soul Sister. I know cheezy but i dont care, i had fun making it so, back off!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Feeling... Lazy

Hey guys, right now i am uploading my first music cover, so i hope you enjoy. But in the mean time you guys are probably wondering "What song did he do?" well duh i am doing the song that is perfect to start off a blog about being bored, ah hmm "Lazy." Hehe, well if you could not find out what song i am singing then, one you need to be sent to a mental hospital, or two you need to go out and get a life.

I Skipped 6th Period!

Hey guys, me again here. Which means i am BorD. Yup, so here i go well today I was at school, and let me tell you i am ready for that weeked. Today we had an assembly, and it was so boring i had to sit for literally 45 minutes and listen to rules, which i find stupid because i have been at this school for like what 3 YEARS! But at least i got to skip a bit of class. So ya, expect another post today, i am planning to post a video later...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Don't Trust A Jerk With Duck Tape

Today my mom grounded me, so i started this blog, i got a lot to say so try to keep your eyes open for new posts. Now for the real junk, today my mom told me to "Do Your Homework" and, well i did not exactly "Do Your Homework!" So that pretty much sums that up. now i gotta go to my bed at 9:00, i am in 8th Grade for crying out loud. So ya it sucks, but at least my mom let me make the post. Now lets talk school, i know what your thinking "This kid must be retarded if he thinks we wanna hear more about school" well i am not talking about that, I am talking about the idiots at my school, other wise known as "the cool kids" these guys always get on my last nerve, for instance a long time ago i made this one website, (I admit it did suck, but wait till you hear how harsh these kids are) on the site my family post a commercial about Heinz ketchup, and one day some jerk off put a bottle in front of my locker. Well ya know that's a little too far. But anyways today seemed pretty good, no kids making fun of me, but at the end of the day i found out i was wrong, today we did a lab in science, and the kids in my group used the supplies we had to duck tape my mouth. Harsh.